Wahine Wealth Financial Coaching
Imagine a life where you have full control of your financesWahine Wealth Financial Coaching
Imagine a life where you have full control of your finances
Unleash the Financial Warrior Within You
Picture yourself understanding your money habits, making smart and conscious financial decisions, and having clear, achievable goals in sight.
You’re prepared for unexpected financial shocks and know how to borrow wisely to enhance your life.
Sounds liberating, doesn’t it?
That’s precisely what Wahine Wealth Financial Coaching aims to provide.
With seven dedicated sessions, we’ll dive deep into the five keys of financial well-being and create a clear path for you to manage your finances confidently.
Many of my clients come to these sessions feeling disconnected from their finances and unsure of how to manage them effectively.
Often they’ve relied on others to make financial decisions, and now due to a change in circumstances, they’re having to start from scratch.
If you find yourself asking these questions, then we should talk.
- Is owning a home the right choice for me?
- I never seem to have enough money. How can I change this?
- Can I afford to start my own business?
- How can I manage my family on one income?
- I’m starting out on my own (maybe again). Where do I begin?
Embrace Your Financial Journey
Get clarity around your financial goals and a plan to achieve them.
Gain the financial confidence or mortgage to realise your goals.
Create the freedom to stop worrying and get on with enjoying your life.
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Wahine Wealth Financial Coaching Programme
Over 8 60-minute sessions scheduled every week or fortnight, with supporting resources and homework, you’ll be empowered to take charge of your finances and reclaim your financial confidence.
Session 1 : Getting To Know You
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Session 2 : Setting Your Goals
In this session, we’ll explore your experiences with money and set short and long-term goals for what you want to achieve – during the sessions and also your personal financial goals.
Session 3 : Your Money Mindset
Your money mindset is your unique feelings, beliefs, relationship and attitude about money. It both unconsciously and consciously controls your decisions around saving, spending and having money. Exploring your money mindset can unlock important information that will help you achieve your financial goals.
Session 4 : Know Your Numbers
Knowing our numbers helps us become mindful of our spending and saving patterns. This can be confronting, but having a realistic and honest view of your income and expenditure gives us the power to know what to change and when.
Session 5: Goal Reflection And The Pathway To Collecting Them
What is really important to you? Homeownership? Investments? Helping family? Travel? Retirement? Goals are just daydreams without an action plan to make them happen. So we create the path to collect your dreams.
Session 6 : Cover For The Unexpected
Our resilience and ability to cope with financial shocks go a long way to creating financial well-being. How this is managed will be unique to you. Getting clear on how to manage the unexpected means you can choose strategies with more clarity and purpose.
Session 7 : Smart Borrowing
Borrowing money can be nerve-wracking. So get guidance that can help you. Smart borrowing is always going to be a conscious choice and something that enhances your life and living. The tricks are understanding how it works, how much it will cost you and how to stay in control of the borrowing.
Session 8 : Bringing It All Together
In our final session, we’ll review what we’ve covered and revisit your short and long-term financial goals to see if anything’s changed over our time together.
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Hi, I'm Helen.
In 2019, I found myself a 50-something, single mum with a part-time therapy business. No stable income record and the need to create financial security for my kids and me. It was a mess.
A friend connected me with a financial advisor, and within 6 months, I established a steady income, cleaned up my banking record and could buy out the other share of the family home for my kids and me.
This journey made me realise that our financial well-being is a huge part of our overall well-being.
Now, as a Financial Advisor specialising in mortgages, as well as natural health practitioner, I’ve seen friends and clients live with the repercussions of financial choices made without being shown the long-term impact of their choices.
That’s why I created Wahine Wealth.
To help women become strong wahine - grounded, and confident in who they are. Feeling and being in control of their financial independence and wealth.
Helen M. Grant
New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services
Residential Property Lending Specialist
Registered Financial Services Provider - FSP 1004224
For the purposes of the provision of advice in relation to mortgages, Helen Grant (FSP1004224) is contracted to Kingbird Limited
Ready to transform your financial well-being?
1. Book a call
Book a free discovery call. We’ll get to know each other and make sure financial coaching is the right path for you.
2. Get to know your finances
Learn about what influences your finances and how you think about money.
3. Confidently start your journey
Learn about what influences your finances and how you think about money.
How does financial coaching differ from financial advice and other questions you might have
What exactly is financial coaching, and how does it differ from financial advising?
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I have very little financial knowledge. Is your financial coaching suitable for beginners?
Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.
Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.
What kind of homework should I expect between sessions, and how much time will I need to dedicate to it?
Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.
Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.
How will this financial coaching program help me to manage my spending habits and increase my savings?
Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.
Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.
Is Wahine Wealth Financial Coaching only for women?
Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.
Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.
What happens if my financial situation changes during our coaching?
Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.
Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.