6 Reasons why you need me as your mortgage adviser –
1. You want someone who cares, who listens to your story and your situation
I actually really care about your goals. My interest is genuine. I will be your best cheerleader when you hit them. I’ll hear you when you have concerns. I’ll answer your questions – and if I don’t know the answer – I’ll go and find it. Your situation matters to me. I’m your sounding board and a mirror – a mirror – cos sometimes we know the stupid shit we are doing with money – and a quick reflection can sort that.
I craft the lending solutions and structure that is right for your situation, your unique circumstances, goals anad challenges.
2. You are time poor
I am your time saver. By giving me the task to work out the options, and present you with the options and a recommendation, I can free you up to do what you want.
If you already know what you’d like the lending structure to look like, and you’d like it Implemented – I can do that.
Having me do the leg work for you frees you up to go find the right property for you, or get on with enjoying your life.
3. You’d like it to all be a bit easier
This one ties in to #2 – you don’t need to spend hours browsing every lender’s website looking for the most affordable rates and options. Knowing the lenders and criteria, a home loan specialist can help you find the right lender for your circumstances, including bank and non-bank options. Its just easier for you.
4. A professional adviser – at no cost to you
My standard mortgage advisory services are provided to clients free of charge – as we are remunerated by the banks for our service and expertise.
I also provide specialised advice for non-standard situations (eg credit impaired, trusts, businesses, non-standard properties, more complex situations). In these instances a fee maybe payable – this would be discussed and agreed to in advance.
5. You want someone who is independant
I have access to all the main banks, and non-banks. That gives me true freedom to find the lender who suits your situation. I don’t work for the lender – I work for you – it is written into the CCCFA legisation.
6. You want someone who is there for the journey
Working with a bank can be a one-off transaction.
Working with me is ongoing – for as long as you choose. You are in your mortgage for the long haul, and I’m not going to ditch you after the first settlement, I’ll be with you every step of the way.
From the day you engage with me as your adviser to the day you pay off your loan, I am by your side – answering your questions, sharing my expertise, listening to your concerns and making your financial choices count.
So – what are you waiting for – if this is you book an appointment now – click this link – . Connect with me