See-ya 2019

Dec 29, 2019 | My Journey, Wellbeing

It’s that time between Christmas and New Year where no one knows what day it is

A time for space, reflection and gratitude.

For letting go of 2019 and stepping into 2020.


What can I say?

This time last year there is no way I could have expected to be where I am now.

Its been a horrendously hard year. I have cried more tears than I thought possible with the loss of my marriage and my family life as I knew it.  The sudden death of one of my dogs at the same time was overwhelming heart breaking.  Loss of friendships with people who I thought would be there for me weren’t.  Betrayal of confidences and lies have been common this year.  Christmas – well the less said about that week the better.

The lows have been truly awful.

At the same time, there have been wonderful blessings.  My kids are amazing.   I’m so proud of who they be and the gentlemen they are growing into.  They both have a huge depth of kindness, awareness and intelligence on all levels.  How did I get so lucky?  The gift of a new puppy to our family has added hope and love.

There have been so many beautiful souls around me, checking in, encouraging me.  I’m so grateful to you all. Friendships have been deepened, re-established and new connections being made.

I have expanded and connected with more clients and created an amazing project management role that fits with my life.  So amazing to have some independent finances again.

Through all of this, I can honestly say I am proud of myself, having done my best to walk through this year with at least some grace and kindness.

I really like the Me at this end of the year.

And you know something else I’ve realised? – I’m not nearly as fucked up as I thought I was.

So – 2019 – thank you for the lessons.  It never shows up as you think it is going to.  I am well and truly ready to close this year and these chapters of my life.



What magic are you bringing in helping create my reality for me and my family?


If this connects with you, and you are ready to make some changes make contact with me and lets see what we can create. Connect with me

Helen M Grant

Helen M Grant

Helen is a Coach specialising in Kinesiology and Registered Financial Adviser.  Together we can change your life to one you'd love to live.