Do You Have a Wee Leak

Do You Have a Wee Leak

Light bladder leakage You know – you cough, or sneeze and oops ….. I’ll be back in a minute. Did you know that in NZ 1 in 4 woman experience this situation.  For some it is way worse, for some it is just the inconvenience of having to get up to pee...
Top 10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

Top 10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

Its no surprise weight is an issue with NZ’s health. A New Zealand Health Survey found that: almost 1 in 3 adults (aged 15 years and over) were obese (31%), a further 34% were overweight. 1 in 9 children aged 2–14 years were obese (11%), a further 1 in 4...
Sex Hormone Imbalance

Sex Hormone Imbalance

“Struggling to balance your weight – especially over 40?Finding your Hor’s are moaning too much?Feel like you are going nuts? Well the topic of hormone imbalance is one I have a lot of personal experience in. PMS and mood swings are “normal”, and...